Teacher Talk - Controversial Texts: Teaching Tennessee Williams' play "A Streetcar Named Desire" in the High School Classroom


Many works, like Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer prize winning play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" have been banned, censored, or otherwise restricted at times from high school classrooms. Join us for a discussion of Williams' play and best practices on how to handle controversial texts in the classroom. We will also focus on authorial intent and adaptations including the […]


Teacher Talk: "But what I meant to say was..." : Commentary for Analysis and Commentary for Argument (AP English Language and Composition)


Students are smart. Students make great observations. Students say things that cause us to see ideas or texts differently.  Too often, they try to put these things in writing and miss the mark. Too often, we know what they are trying to say, and we want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but we […]


Teacher Talk: Sentence Frames as Springboards to Strong Writing and Sophistication


Many, if not most, students struggle with reading and writing at grade-level.  As teachers, it's our responsibility not only to teach grade-level content, but also provide scaffolds to make up for skills that may not have been learned in earlier years.  And, though it's important to allow students to search for their unique voices--especially when […]


Teacher Talk: Increasing Access with Preexisting Literacies


Description: There is no reason why everything, especially in the English classroom, needs to be new for students.  In fact, most students already have a strong understanding of rhetoric, argumentation, research, and literary analysis, they just don’t realize it yet.  This session will look at how fictional realities, creative opportunities, high school drama, and common social […]


Teacher Talk: A Superhero Mini Unit


“You’re much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.” – Superman Recent events have taken a toll on our students and have revealed not only academic but emotional and psychological conflicts as well. As educators we now find ourselves more than ever on the front line teaching not only reading and writing but also helping […]


Teacher Talk: Improving Commentary


This session will examine some released student samples from the 2021 AP exam. We will workshop how to help our students revise drafts to add in commentary and evidence to improve scores in Row B of the rubric. Facilitator: Celine Gomez Celine Gomez teaches at Plano West Senior High School in Plano, TX. For the […]


Teacher Talk: Think, Feel, Believe and/or Do...How to Extend Rhetorical Analysis Line of Reasoning


"Think, Feel, Believe and/or Do...How to Extend Rhetorical Analysis Line of Reasoning" Students often struggle to extend their commentary. Help students find more to say about their text evidence within their rhetorical analysis. Facilitator: Kacie Smith Kacie Smith has been an educator for the past nineteen years. Teaching AP® Language and Composition for over ten years, […]


Teacher Talk: Building Archival Knowledge through Podcasts and Documentaries


As English teachers, we are known for using books to make connections to universal themes and current events. Our classroom doesn't have to be limited to written texts to make these connections.  In this session, we will look at how podcasts and documentaries can be used to supplement our texts in order to increase our […]


Teacher Talk: Helping Students Reason from Evidence


Offered in partnership with Mass Insight Education and Research One of the best things we can do for all students is to take their thinking seriously. In this interactive session, we explore ways to cultivate students’ critical reasoning abilities through the study of written arguments. We examine strategies for helping students collect and organize information, […]


Teacher Talk: No Trick Questions, No "Gotcha" Answers


Applied Practice is revising its AP® English guides to reflect all aspects of test design so students get the fair and equal learning experiences they deserve. As we know, not all Multiple Choice Questions are created the same. The AP® tests are built from a wide range of question types and difficulties. This range fairly assesses […]
