Composed of approximately 90 multiple choice questions covering 12 passages, 6 free response questions, detailed answer explanations, teaching strategies, vocabulary and literary term lists, and essay scoring guides, this resource can provide concentrated instructional support for any Pre-AP and AP English course.
Volume 2 is based on essay selections primarily written in the 1800's and 1900's.
Passages include:
- "Christmas" by Washington Irving
- "The Passenger Pigeon" by John Audubon
- "The Lowest Animal" by Mark Twain
- "Simplicity in Art" by Frank Norris
- "Good Souls" by Dorothy Parker
- "The Young Pessimists" by Heywood Broun
- "The Writing of Essays" by Charles S. Brooks
- "Literature and the Schoolma'am" by H.L. Mencken
- "How It Feels to be Colored Me" by Zora Neale Hurston