Applied Practice offers the following assessment and scoring options for AP® US History and Social Sciences teachers and students. Each assessment contains original, field-tested questions. Open response questions are evaluated by expert educators using a set of prescribed standards. Multiple-choice style questions are scored and analyzed using our nGaugeTM scoring platform, and detailed reports are delivered directly to teachers to guide preparation moving forward. Each exam mimics the style, format and expectations of the actual AP® exam.
Click through the tabs below to learn about our course offerings.
Full length Mock Assessment
- Section 1: 55 multiple-choice questions, plus four short answer questions (students answer three)
- Section 2: One Document Based Question and three Long Essay Questions (students choose one)
Free Response Only Assessment
- Section 1: 4-short answer questions (students respond to 3)
- Section 2: 1-Document Based Question (DBQ) and 3 Long Essays Questions (students choose 1)
Each teacher will receive access to the nGauge™ Teacher Dashboard to track student submissions and download reports. Standard reporting includes: Teacher Report with Potential AP® Score, Student Report Card, Multiple Choice Item Analysis, and Learning Objectives Reports. Reports also include each student's overall FRQ score as well as a breakdown of the scoring of each free response question based on the allocation of points in the rubric. The teacher will also receive access to the Multiple Choice Answer Key with Rationales and Student Samples with Scoring Commentary for each Free Response Question.
Teachers will receive access to video deconstruction of each short answer and free response question on the exam. In the videos, an expert teacher will provide an analysis of the question, as well as tips and strategies to help students improve their scores.
Free Response Only Assessment
- Section 1: 4-short answer questions (students respond to 3)
- Section 2: 1-Document Based Question (DBQ) and 3 Long Essays Questions (students choose 1).
Each teacher will receive access to the nGauge™ Teacher Dashboard to track student submissions and download reports. Reports include each student's overall FRQ score as well as a breakdown of the scoring of each free response question based on the allocation of points in the rubric. The teacher will also receive access to Student Samples with Scoring Commentary for each Free Response Question, as well as a video showing the deconstruction of each short answer and free response question on the exam. In the videos, an expert teacher will provide an analysis of the question, as well as tips and strategies to help students improve their scores.
For additional information, including information on assessment package options, customization, and pricing, please complete and submit the form below. For additional questions, please contact
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