Student Name: *Student ID: *1.The opening paragraph includes all of the following literary elements EXCEPTmetaphorsimilelitotessymbolalliteration2.In the aftermath of the killing, the difference between Azar’s and Kiowa’s attitude toward Tim is best characterized asinsensitivity vs. sarcasmtact vs. tactlessnesshonesty vs. dishonestyindelicacy vs. sensitivityfrankness vs. vagueness3.Kiowa uses all the following methods to reassure Tim EXCEPTrhetorical questionsallusionemphasisphilippicimperatives4.The speculative biography of the anonymous dead soldier has the strongest parallels with what the reader already knows aboutTimKiowaAzarDobbinsCross5.The one-sentence paragraph describing the dead man’s eye is figuratively linked to hiseyebrowspoemspossibilitieshairwrists6.In the paragraph that begins “The young man’s fingernails,” the most poignant contrast to “the village liberation cadres” isthe family’s povertythe university in Saigonthe political situationthe young man’s solitudethe war itself7.[Choose the most complete answer.] That the dead man will “wake up in the stories of his people” implies thathe has strong religious faithhe will become the stuff of legendhis military experience has all been a dreamhe has strong religious faith, and his military experience has all been a dreamhe will become the stuff of legend, and his military experience has all been a dream8.In the passage as a whole, the most notable stylistic device isrepetitioncolloquial dictionapostropheinverted syntaxunderstatement9.In the opening paragraph, the dominant impression is one ofstabilityexclusivitydivisiontensionhypocrisy10.The second paragraph touches upon the causation of all of the following EXCEPTthe townthe lakethe warSally Gustafsonthe whole structure of causation11.Several times in the second paragraph the lake isidealizedpersonifieddemonizedsatirizedsanitized12.The simile “as if in orbit” reflects Norman’s sense ofalienationbitternesspridehorrorconfusion13.Of the following actions, the LEAST associated, by the author’s diction, with security isdriving the Chevygoing to Sunset Parklistening to the high school bandswimming in the lakedriving beneath the elm trees14.[Choose the most complete answer.] An implicit contrast is formed betweenthe lake and the riverNorman and his contemporariesthe lake and the river and Norman and his contemporariesthe hiking boys and Norman and Norman and his contemporariesthe lake and the river, the hiking boys and Norman, and Norman and his contemporaries15.In the passage as whole Norman notably fails tocommunicatemake progressbe honest with himselfcommunicate and make progresscommunicate, make progress, and be honest with himself16.The tone of the opening sentence is best described ashistrionicguiltybitternonchalantmatter-of-fact17.In the second paragraph, all of the following phrases add to the reader’s sense of Norman’s predicament EXCEPTdisjointed lettershort-orderobvious lovedropped outpickup basketball18.If Norman were able “to describe” his postwar life, he would most likely characterize it paradoxically asdisillusionednormalabnormalposthumoustranquil19.The adjective that does NOT apply to Norman’s writing style isvulgarvernacularidiomaticcolloquialepigrammatic20.The word that LEAST describes the narrator’s life after the war and before Norman’s letter ishauntedpositiveunfalteringsteadypurposeful21.In the paragraph beginning “Norman Bowker’s letter” and the paragraph that follows it, the narrator’s claim that he “did not look on my work as therapy, and still don’t” is partly undermined by the wordsmugnesscatharsismemoriescommunicationinventing22.[Choose the most complete answer.] The narrator felt that the original version of “Speaking of Courage” was a failure because it was not sufficientlyorganichonestorganic and honestfictional and honestorganic, fictional, and honest23.From the phrase “over the next several months” to the end, the passage is pervaded by a sense ofself-satisfactiontriumphresponsibilitysatisfactionrecrimination