Student Name: *Student ID: *1.After reading the entire passage, the reader could best infer that “the heart of darkness” in line 1 refers tothe jungle and the primal nature of manthe jungle and the nativesthe river and innate evilthe river and the nativesthe primitive fear of darkness2.The “accursed inheritance” (line 9) refers tothe nativesivorythe riverthe earththe jungle3.The phrase “conquered monster” (line 21) refers tothe trafficking of African slavesthe European domestication of the natural worldthe extent of modern scientific discoverythe superior attitude of imperialistic nationsthe refining qualities of Christian belief4.The purpose of lines 22-31 is toexplain the power of the setting to alter perceptionsoffer the narrator’s defense for his actionscommunicate the narrator’s revulsion for his prejudicesuggest the limitations of civilized communicationcontradict the popularly held opinion of the natives5.The speaker believes all of the following EXCEPTthe natives are as primeval as the jungleEuropeans are more accustomed to restraint and controlthe natives represent a truth about basic human naturefoolish people do not understand the lure of the primitive junglethe natives are a real physical threat and are unintelligent6.The speaker’s comments in lines 41-45 could best be described asrationalizingaccusatoryfactualpitiablesympathetic7.The speaker’s attitude toward the fireman (lines 46-58) could best be described ashypocriticaltolerantcondescendingsympatheticadmiring